Tuesday, 15 December 2015


Hurmm talking about secrets… I sure do have a ton… but somewhere, somehow… secrets are worth to be shared… Don’t get me wrong… Not ALL secrets are worth to be shared… Some secrets are better to be buried within our soul… People judge… Some of them won’t even bother to hear any explanations… They just simply judge… 

Whatever… Life’s a cycle right??? They’ll get what they gave… Hope that they'll bear those burden well... Words do have their own powers...

At one right moment with the right person… some secrets are worth to be shared… I know it's not so good to keep secrets all within ourselves... but things just force us to do so... So keep you secrets well guys :) 

Monday, 14 December 2015


Before we explore these ten stupendous quotes I got from the net, let me ask you guys… When is the last time you guys experienced disappointment, having high expectations on anybody? Can anyone of you describe those feelings? Should we blame the specific person or should be blame ourselves? Sometimes we just got stuck between dreams and reality…

 Anyway let’s get started

  1.  “Everyone knew that if you divided reality by expectation, you got a happiness quotient. But when you invert the equation - expectation divided by reality - you didn't get the opposite of happiness. What you got, was hope.” by  Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes

  2. “If you expect nothing from anybody, you’re never disappointed.” by Sylvia Plath, the Bell Jar

  3.  “Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.”   by Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings

  4. “If you spent your life concentrating on what everyone else thought of you, would you forget who you really were? What if the face you showed the world turned out to be a mask... with nothing beneath it?” by  Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes

  5.  “You are most powerful when you are most silent. People never expect silence. They expect words, motion, defence, offense, back and forth. They expect to leap into the fray. They are ready, fists up, words hanging leaping from their mouths. Silence? No.” by  Alison McGhee, All Rivers Flow To The Sea

  6. “When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.” by  Donald Miller, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life

  7. “If you're going to say what you want to say, you're going to hear what you don't want to hear.” by  Roberto BolaƱo, The Insufferable Gaucho

  8. “You can't expect everyone to have the same dedication as you.” by Jeff Kinney, Diary of a Wimpy Kid

  9.  “You are your own worst enemy. If you can learn to stop expecting impossible perfection, in yourself and others, you may find the happiness that has always eluded you.” by  Lisa Kleypas, Love in the Afternoon

  10.  “See the world as it is, not as it should be.” by  Finn Hudson, Glee

In my opinion, expecting too much may lead to overthinking… I bet most of you guys know what overthinking may lead to…

Don’t forget to add me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter, Instagram & Soundcloud. Just click those amazing floating button on your left side… TQVM…

Saturday, 12 December 2015


I miss them… of that I’m sure…

Well I’m not that kind of boy that lives in a castle, owns everything he wants and make people do his things… but as long as I can remember… I was one happy little boy… Regardless the facts of everything… I choose to be carefree… at least… I used to be happy…

Hahaha I know it is kind of awkward… but from my experience, I found that as we grow older, we tend to learn something new, meet tremendous types of person and unexpectedly… we tend to change so much… that we are so insecure of all the things around us… We are so afraid of the people that judge… Most of us became hypocrite in hope that people will stop judging them… to tell you guys the truth… None of them will stop… People are never grateful… and they’ll never will be… including you and me…

For me… being matured has nothing to do with the things you choose to do, to watch or to blend in… It’s just completely different from that! The sooner you guys realize this the better…

I did have my childhood buddies… and only god know how much those moments meant to me… We used to cycle every evening, been power rangers, fighting stray dogs and destroy insects... I insisted to be the red ranger though hahahaha... I really missed them… Wish that I had took photos with them… Wish that I’ve told them how much they meant to me… right before we lose everything… Now, there's no doubt that everything has changed… awkward to be precise…

I will miss you guys too... Although it’s just a matter of time before all of you took your own path… I am grateful at this particular moment… To be your friend, your jokes and your enemy (I suppose)… Till we meet again… FRIENDS…


Friday, 20 November 2015

The Voice

Hi again! On this mesmerizing day, I feel like I want to share you guys one of my favourite TV Shows which is “The Voice”.

The Voice is an American reality television singing competition broadcast on NBC. Based on the original The Voice of Holland, the concept of the series is to find new singing talent (solo or duets) contested by aspiring singers drawn from public auditions.
The Voice began airing on April 26, 2011, as a spring TV season program. The series employs a panel of four coaches who critique the artists' performances. Each coach guides their teams of selected artists through the remainder of the season. They also compete to ensure that their act wins the competition, thus making them the winning coach.

Source: wikipedia.com

Here’s come details that you guys might want to know.

Selection process and Format
  • Each season begins with the "Blind Auditions", where coaches form their team of artists whom they mentor through the remainder of the season. The coaches' chairs are faced towards the audience during artists' performances; those interested in an artist press their button, which turns their chair towards the artist and illuminates the bottom of the chair to read "I want you." At the conclusion of the performance, an artist either defaults to the only coach who turned around, or selects his or her coach if more than one coach expresses interest.

  • In the "Battle Rounds", each coach pairs two of his or her team members to perform together, then chooses one to advance in the competition. In each season, coaches are assisted by celebrity mentors that are different each season. A new element was added in season three; coaches were given two "steals", allowing each coach to select two individuals who were eliminated during a battle round by another coach. The host give the announcer pairings. 

  • The Knockout Rounds were also introduced in season three. A pair of artists within a team are selected to sing individual performances in succession. They are not told until a few minutes prior to their performances who their partner is. The artists get to choose their own songs in this round, although they continue to get help and advice from their respective coaches. At the conclusion of the performances, coaches would decide which one of each pair gets to advance to the next round. Just like in the battle rounds, the coaches can steal one eliminated artist from another coach starting with season five. The coach give the announcer pairings.

  • The "Battles, Round 2" were introduced to replace the Knockout Rounds in season six. Similar to the Knockout Rounds, each singer is paired randomly within their team. One celebrity key adviser also assists all four of the coaches and their teams in preparation of these rounds. Coaches give each Battle pairing a list of songs and each pair must agree on which song to sing. Each coach can still decide which of their singers in each pair will advance to the next round. The coaches are also allowed one steal. However, the Knockouts were brought back in season seven.

  • In the final live performance phase of the competition, artists perform in weekly shows, where public voting narrows to a final group of artists and eventually declares a winner. The coaches have the power to save one artist that had not received the public's vote that week. As of season two, these artists would give a last chance performance to win their coach's save. However, in deciding who moves on to the final four phase, the television audience and the coaches have equal say 50/50. With one team member remaining for each coach, the contestants compete against each other in the finale where the outcome is decided solely by public vote. In the first two seasons, one contestant from each team would advance to the final four. Due to the possibility of having multiple potential winners on the same team, eliminations were adjusted in season three to eliminate contestants who earned the lowest number of votes, thus not guaranteeing a coach and a contestant in the (reduced) final three.

Source: wikipedia.com

Personally, I love the one who can perform which is (for you information) totally unlike the one who can just sing! Performing includes vocal ability, facial expression and body language that result in expressing the whole meaning of a specific song.

So, here are some of my favourite highlights of the voice’s battle rounds. Enjoy the art of performing!

#TheVoiceSeason7 Jessie Pitts vs. Ryan Sill - I Need Your Love

           #TheVoiceSeason9 Celeste Betton vs. Mark Hood - Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Friday, 13 November 2015


The greatest wealth that every single person can have is probably…. their health… right? Then, why do most of the people spend their health for wealth and then spend wealth to get their health again? They prefer of making this lifetime continuous cycle rather than treasuring their health since day one? I bet they don’t have any choice… Do they?

Let me tell you a story. I knew a boy. He was born in a (I would say) prefect physically condition but after a few years then… he was diagnosed with an imperfection of his internal organ (forgot those scientific terms used). Since then he have always been dealing with antibiotics. His meal is never complete without a 5 – 7 millilitres of antibiotics. The taste of those antibiotics never fade away from his life. From the one that smells like a spoilt milk, goes to the one pinkish liquid that looked like detergent, pills that have a size of his father’s thumb and many more…

Can you just imagine the feelings of his parents feeding their straining child (probably because of the taste or their structure of his required antibiotics)? And one more thing… You guys should know that every drugs have their specific side effects towards specific person… He did took his (quite horrendous). So please! To the ones that consume anything like muscle gaining shake or whatever nutrients shakes… Please consider your internal organs condition before you take those diets. Back to my story, I believe that everything happened for a reason. I’m so glad to see how successful his parents raised him. They’ve given everything they had (beyond any of my ability to describe).

Well just for your information, according to Wikipedia, drug is basically a chemical substance that has known biological effects on humans or other animals. Possibly the most common side effects of any prescription drug are gastrointestinal issues, including nausea, constipation and diarrhea, because most drugs go through the digestive system to be absorbed. Other common aftereffects include drowsiness, pain and skin reactions.

Take a good care of yourselves guys for the sake of your love ones… See ya!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015


"Hi, it's me again! I'm just another boring guy that keeps messing with people's life" Well that's me for sure... but I guess I’m not going to talk about that since most of the people I've encountered have the same thought.

Beg my pardon if none of you guys can understand my kind of sentences, I really have trouble with expressing my feelings into words... the other thing is that my post in this blog are mostly based on my unseen stories... hmm I bet you guys smell mystery right?? So, feel free to follow me on twitter, Instagram and Soundcloud if you want to know me better (will be post later... most probably in my next entry)... Okay... let's start!

Beforehand, I personally recommend you guys to watch Disney Pixar Inside Out! Somehow it did express the definition of life to me (literally).

Back to the topic, I opine that making friends can be easy as falling off a log but sometimes it can get so hard which make you tremble to death... I did encountered both types situation in making friends... One thing for sure is that I hate being in some sort of an awkward kind of friendship... and the other thing is keeping a friendship last is not my specialty... Have to admit, I'm totally awful in this matter... So… Please bear with me…

Indeed, my mood does swings every single second I'm facing the fact that I'm not going to be able to be with the ones I'm being with now.... Everything came into my head like it is THE END. Boom! Flashbacks... the good and bad ones... I would totally shut myself up feeling bummed out and keep thinking about the probabilities of that may encounter on these relationships. Death. Departure. Marriage. Further Studies.

To be honest, I am the kind of guy that enjoy keeping photos and music. Somehow they helped me in tremendous ways on the journey to find inner peace by reducing my despair. I used to love taking selfies. I stopped for a reason which one of my friends made me realize. Don't know whether to thank him or what but anyway life’s a lesson right? So thank you dude!

Next, I really enjoy singing and playing musical instruments. There's a day I had a dream of performing on stage with crowds giving me a round of applause. Well, I guess those dream will just stay as a dream. Never had the chance or to be exact never had the courage to do something like that though. Hahahahaha… So RIP to those dreams.

Till my next post guys :3 later ~

Sunday, 4 October 2015


First things first, ASPerians are all assigned to do this blogging stuff (SSK1000 practical work) for this wonderful semester. Hopefully, things will be okay until the 7th (last) post. So, here goes mine.

It all started when I was laying on my bed trying to find a topic to publish for my blog. Then, I decided to google "Does friendship lasts?" To be honest, this is one of the biggest wonder of my life. Perhaps some answer might help me to look on the positive outlook of my biggest wonder.

Basically, here are some feedbacks that caught my attention:-

"Some friends are in your life for a reason while others are in it only for a season. Life is all about change and so must your relationships if you are to really grow."

"No. Friends don't always come and go. You will find some that last. However, the people that come in your lives come in to complete a particular purpose. Just learn from what they teach you and appreciate the memories that you shared. You don't need a lot maybe just one or two. I have had friends come and go. But true friends will come back and even if you don't talk, don't see each other, those bonds will always remain."

"Friendship lasts forever... Not friends"

"Friends forever means that I get to really see myself reflected everywhere. It means that we will know each other through good times and bad. It means that if I make a mistake in our friendship, we can talk about it. If my friend makes a mistake, we can talk about it. It means that we have no borders, no places where we say break our relationship.

Friends forever means that I must face my pain, instead of hiding it. Facing my pain means that I get to heal my pain.

Friends forever means that I understand I am nothing and everything at the same time. It means that I am you and you are me.

Friends forever means that we are never alone.

Friends forever means that we are conscious of our own true nature and connection.

Friends forever means that I get to love you and be loved by you and grow that love."

"A friendship can last forever, yes, but it cannot exist in the same state forever.

After being friends with someone for a long time, odds are that something will happen to alter or even compromise the friendship. Maybe you two move apart. Maybe you two get in a fight. It could be anything.

However, friends that last make up and move on. This might not happen right away. The gaps in the friendship could be many or few, and last for a few days or a few years. What matters is that they always come back together in the end and remain friends."

Here are some quotes that I found mesmerizing in so many ways.

”We didn’t realize that we were making memories, all we knew is that we’re having fun.”

“Enjoy the little things in life… for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.”

Personally through my experiences, I have to agree with the fact that friendship does last but it will never be the same. Anyway, just live as you are going to die the next second and appreciate every memory you’re holding on to and the ones that made you YOU!