Friday, 13 November 2015


The greatest wealth that every single person can have is probably…. their health… right? Then, why do most of the people spend their health for wealth and then spend wealth to get their health again? They prefer of making this lifetime continuous cycle rather than treasuring their health since day one? I bet they don’t have any choice… Do they?

Let me tell you a story. I knew a boy. He was born in a (I would say) prefect physically condition but after a few years then… he was diagnosed with an imperfection of his internal organ (forgot those scientific terms used). Since then he have always been dealing with antibiotics. His meal is never complete without a 5 – 7 millilitres of antibiotics. The taste of those antibiotics never fade away from his life. From the one that smells like a spoilt milk, goes to the one pinkish liquid that looked like detergent, pills that have a size of his father’s thumb and many more…

Can you just imagine the feelings of his parents feeding their straining child (probably because of the taste or their structure of his required antibiotics)? And one more thing… You guys should know that every drugs have their specific side effects towards specific person… He did took his (quite horrendous). So please! To the ones that consume anything like muscle gaining shake or whatever nutrients shakes… Please consider your internal organs condition before you take those diets. Back to my story, I believe that everything happened for a reason. I’m so glad to see how successful his parents raised him. They’ve given everything they had (beyond any of my ability to describe).

Well just for your information, according to Wikipedia, drug is basically a chemical substance that has known biological effects on humans or other animals. Possibly the most common side effects of any prescription drug are gastrointestinal issues, including nausea, constipation and diarrhea, because most drugs go through the digestive system to be absorbed. Other common aftereffects include drowsiness, pain and skin reactions.

Take a good care of yourselves guys for the sake of your love ones… See ya!

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